NerdPulse: 7/22/2012

This week’s edition of NerdPulse

Thanks for watching, and stay nerdy!

Thor and Captain America Sequel Stories Revealed

As announced yesterday, Marvel has five movies currently in production: Thor 2, Captain America 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man, and Iron Man 3.  Upon announcing the two secret movies yesterday, they also announced the full titles of both Thor 2 and Captain America 2, giving us clues to the stories they will be telling.  Thor 2 is Thor: The Dark World, and Captain America 2 is Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

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2012 Eisner Award Winners

If you’re like the most of us, you couldn’t attend the Indigo Ballroom at San Diego Comic Con for the Eisner awards this year.  So, for those of you who couldn’t make it, here is the complete list of this year’s Eisner Awards from #SDCC 2012.


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Nerd Monkey Bat-News

It’s time for some Nerd Monkey bat-news.  As all of you most likely already know, Dark Knight Rises comes out this Friday.  Midnight screenings are obviously available across the country, and many of them are completely booked.  Dark Knight Rises is playing on 11 screens at my regular theater, and most of the tickets are long-gone, so get out there and get your tickets today.

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The Second Annual Indian Comic Con Starts Today

Is India ready for its second Comic Con India?  Well, it started today, so I hope so.

This year Comic Con India is receiving many special treats, including the arrival of Marvel Comics, who have loads of events in tow for our Asian comic brothers and sisters.  From Incredible Hulk boulder throwing to Thor hammer smashing.  But the real treat arrives this Sunday with an appearance from Iron Man.

Surely DC has a couple of booths in India as well.  Surely ripping off Alan Moore’s life’s work could afford them enough for the plane tickets.  Okay, now is not the time to get into that, or the irony that so many leaders in the industry are boycotting The Avengers while completely ignoring all of DC’s evils, which add up to far greater.  Oops, did I say that?  What I meant to say was, “I digress.”  In reality, the event is put on by Marvel and Disney, so most likely not.

This year’s Comic Con India is only their second annual event and has already sold almost as many tickets as our comic book euphoria, San Diego Comic Con.  Eventually one must think it will attract just as many guests and vendors as well.

For more information on Comic Con India, and hopefully video and photos soon, visit the official site here.

Feel free to watch some videos of last year’s event below.  Don’t worry if you’re not one of those people who have picked up the language from watching Ring Ka King, as most of it is in English anyway.

Note: If you have troubles with the link above to the official site, try typing into your browser.  The website appears to be having issues and loads only about every three times you attempt.  I’m sure they’re just updating.

The Iron Man 3 Villain: More Rumors from the Peanut Gallery

I am going nuts waiting to hear something more about the Marvel Ant-Man movie.  I think it would be fantastic.  Is it just a good hoax to cover something else up?  Is it a real plan for 2014 like the rumors say?  Will it star the only person fit to play Ant-Man, Nathan Fillion?  

Well, in all of the Ant-Man news I’ve been burying myself within, I seemed to have a bit of news slip by me this morning regarding Iron Man 3.  The current rumor that is spreading around the Red Bull coolers pertains to a possible villain in the third installment to the Iron Man specific series.  Who is it?  Well, it’s just a rumor, but according to many, it’s Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner.

This speculation began when it was announced that the most of the movie’s shooting was to take place in Wilmington, North Carolina, not far from where The Walking Dead was shot this season.  What makes this location special is that it boasts a large 80′ diameter special effects water tank as one of its main selling points.

Before now, the two largest rumors were The Ghost or Mandarin.  Mandarin is probably an awful idea, as that character was never anything more than a racially charged stereotype.  However, The Ghost could make for a very modern villain, being a superhacker and all.  Plus, when they went through all of the last Iron Man movie with Whiplash being portrayed by Mickey Rourke, anything will be an improvement.  Look, I’m not saying he was awful, but it could have been cast better.

With Mandarin most likely out due to a comment made about the character at last year’s San Diego Comic Con, and The Ghost’s invisibility most likely being an issue for the action-based, yet story-based Iron Man movies; it would appear the first ever anti-hero himself, The Sub-Mariner, is an astute possibility for Tony Stark’s third singular opponent.  But who would play him?

Who knows.  I’m only continuing the spread of this gossip as an exploration into meme theory.   Sub-Mariner in Iron Man 3: Purple monkey dishwasher!